About me

Hi, I'm Valentina De Carolis , product designer, graduated in Industrial Design for porcelain and graduated in Product Design from the Sapienza University of Rome. Today I am a product & graphic designer, specialized in ceramic processing. I deal with furniture design, graphics, setting up of public and private spaces and I create furnishing accessories and ceramic table accessories.
On this site you will find ceramics, table accessories, lamps, furnishings and accessories, unique pieces or small series, which I design and create by hand and with care in my studio.
My products have been exhibited at:
- “Fluid Aesthetics” in the SUPERSTUDIO spaces in Via Tortona 27, during the Milan design week 2023
- In the blue painted blue , exhibition organized by the Puglia Region in the Italian Pavilion (Short Stories) from 20 to 31 March 2022, during the week dedicated to water and until the end of Expo 2020 Dubai .
- Romanian Design week 2021 with Singular Plural in the "Design House" exhibition itinerary together with Sustain Able Voices – Young Swedish Design” by Svensk Form and IKEA Museum in collaboration with the Swedish Institute, "Madrid Design Portrait" (Madrid Design Festival) organized by LA FABRICA and "Carteles de Barcelona", project of the Municipality of Barcelona.
- Singular Plural exhibition organized in the 2020 edition of the Graphic Days® festival in Turin in collaboration with Mauro Bubbico, which collects the most interesting works dedicated to the theme of Critical Regionalism , analyzed from the point of view of visual communication.
- Materia Independent Design festival of Catanzaro 2020 edition.
- ULTRACERAMICA organized by the Delegations of AD I Association for Industrial Design of Campania, Puglia & Basilicata and Sicily. Traveling exhibition that stopped at ARKEDA, Mostra D'Oltremare in Naples, at the Castello di Conversano (BA), Caltagirone and Milan.
- Homi Milan September 2017 in the DAUNOACENTO space curated by gumdesign with debou.it
- Puglia Crossing Identities at the 2017 Milan Furniture Fair promoted by the Puglia region, coordination of the Federlegno Arredo Eventi Spa project, curated by Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto.
- IN Italy design In Puglia, Fiera del Levante 2016 organized by the Puglia Region, Impact Hub Bari and Federlegno.
- “Puglia Design Store” since 2016, the first concept store that selects the excellence of regional production and the first project by Spazi o Murat . Selection by Porzia Bergamasco, Crispino Lanza and Luigi Partipilo in collaboration with Massimo Torrigiani.
- RADICI - food memories, Milan Design Week 2016 . Event organized by Food Genius Academy.
- Design in South Italy - London Design Festival 2015 , in the Tent and Super Brands space. Exhibition, organized by the Italian Trade Commission, selection of companies and designers from the regions of Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily by the same Agency and Jimmy MacDonald, director & founder of Tent London.
And published on:
- Manibus Magazine issue 01 October 2022
- Diplomatic Volume on Representation and Promotion of artistic craftsmanship activities in the Puglia Region entitled “PUGLIA. Doing is knowing. Excellences of regional artistic craftsmanship" edited by Roberto Lacarbonara, published by Sfera Edizioni (Bari)
- l a Repubblica newspaper of 07 July 2020, column "The secret food" page 10/11 edited by Nick Difino;
- Trackdesign with the Sideboard, Coffee and Equilibri projects, furnishings in corten steel and wood.
- Breadway - The streets of bread . Catalog of the exhibition organized in Matera by the MurgiaMadre Cooperative with the collaboration of IED Barcelona and ADI - Association for Industrial Design , on the occasion of the events of Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 . published by ADIper srl;
- Modulor or Algoritmo catalog of the exhibition edited by Cintya Concari and Roberto Marcatti, promoted by Kubico with the patronage of ADI Puglia and Basilicata, published by H2O Edizioni Milano finished printing in July 2019;
- Gambero Rosso magazine number 311 December 2017 pag. 24/25;
- MED Mediterranean Design & Lifestyle magazine , attachment to ddn 229 April 2017 pages 78-81;
- “Puglia Crossing Identities” , Salone del Mobile di Milano 2017 promoted by the Puglia region, coordination of the Federlegno Arredo Eventi Spa project, curated by Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto. Catalog finished printing in March 2017 by CTS graphics;
- Casa was born from ADI - Association for industrial design - Delegation of Puglia and Basilicata and Kubico srl in co-organization with the Order of Architects of Lecce and in collaboration with Must - Historical Museum of Lecce and Italian Red Cross - Committee of Lecce. Solidarity project of design and creativity curated by Cintya Concari & Roberto Marcatti dedicated to raising funds for the populations of central Italy affected by the 2016 earthquake;
- Novaudio by Giuseppe Maietta. In the catalog I decorate ceramic loudspeakers for the KUTUMART 4 project with handmade artist decorations;
- “Puglia Design Store” . Selection of the excellence of regional production by Porzia Bergamasco, Crispino Lanza and Luigi Partipilo in collaboration with Massimo Torrigiani;
- DOCU/FILM “EDUCATIONAL SHOPS” project by Confartigianato UPSA Bari, in collaboration with Conart Bari, conceived and edited by Alessandra Eracleo, with the patronage of MIUR Puglia Region School Office, Municipality of Bari, Municipality of Valenzano;
- “AMARCORD” FIFTY YEARS OF ISA IN MONOPOLY. Historical - anthological exhibition of over fifty works of art among the most representative of the history of the Institute. 2015 Edition;
- Design in South Italy - London Design Festival 2015 , Tent and Super Brands. By the Italian Trade Commission and Jimmy MacDonald, director & founder of Tent London;
- Design For 2015 edited by Promotedesign , published by Fausto Lupetti Editori EAN 978-88-68740-83-2, distributed by Messagerie Libri.
I participated in:
- Manibus - International Festival of Art and Business hosting the artist Gianni Moretti in residence and supporting him in the development of a series of works poised between conceptual dimension and artisanal talent
photo credits Didier Goupy for IDE International Design Expedition